Showing Album Cover in Ncmpcpp



Ncmpcpp is a great front end for the MPD despite the ability of showing album covers.  I just can’t ignore all the great arts come with the great music.



It just can’t…


The way to success:

w3m is the first one popped out in my mind, which is a console web browser that’s capable of displaying images with true colors.

it actually uses a binary /usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay to display images.

>echo -e "0;1;w;h;x;y;;;;;/tmp/cover.jpg;" | /usr/lib/w3m/w3mimgdisplay   #w,h,x,y stand for width, height, x position, y position

Boom!!!!!!!!!!! I failed…. No matter how hard i tried to type the command with the correct number of semi-colon into urxvt i got nothing but a sad face.


w3mimgdisplay is not able to display any images in a urxvt terminal of depth 32 as well as a transparent window !

so i started urxvt with -depth 24  -font  9×15  and enter the command again.







well……. the image got destroyed everytime after the terminal redrawn (e.g. message updated, terminal resized)



i discover that urxvt supports background image but therxvt-unicode package from the arch linux official repo is not compiled with the options –enable-pixbuf that meant i had to compile it by myself. Okayyy…….

detail please refer to Download Source Code with Pacman on Arch. Before you compile the source just edit the PKGBUILD and type –enable-pixbuf in the build option.

you can use

>urxvt -pixmap /path/to/your/image

or XTerm operating system command

>printf "\e]20;/path/to/your/file;\a"

to test if it works.


write a script that can scale down the cover art and place it in the position you want.

add the script name to exexute_on_song_change option in ~/.ncmpccp/config.


the script below is a modified version. the original one’s here




function reset_background
    printf "\e]20;;100x100+1000+1000\a"

    album="$(mpc --format %album% current)"
    file="$(mpc --format %file% current)"
    [[ -z "$album_dir" ]] && exit 1

    covers="$(find "$album_dir" -type d -exec find {} -maxdepth 1 -type f -iregex ".*/.*\(${album}\|cover\|folder\|artwork\|front\).*[.]\(jpe?g\|png\|gif\|bmp\)" \; )"
    src="$(echo -n "$covers" | head -n1)"
    rm -f "$COVER" 
    if [[ -n "$src" ]] ; then
        #resize the image's width to 300px 
        convert "$src" -resize 300x "$COVER"
        if [[ -f "$COVER" ]] ; then
           #scale down the cover to 30% of the original
           #place it 1% away from left and 50% away from top.
           printf "\e]20;${COVER};30x30+1+50:op=keep-aspect\a"
} &

final step! enjoy your music with ncmpcpp with COVER!








[RFC] display image inside urxvt

Image in Terminial

Mnuc Script

How to Download Source Code with Pacman on Arch

Headphone Plugin Sensation


When i plugged in a headphone to my computer the sound came out from both headphone and speaker.

Generally people will instruct you to turn on the “Auto-Mute Mode” in alsamixer, but in my saturation that’s not possible, because there is no such options as “Auto-Mute Mode” among the settings.



The codec parser of the driver snd-hda-intel skipped the auto-mute feature.



# pacman -S alsa-tools

# hdajackrestask

hda-jack-restask is a gui interface for you to enable hints and remap the jack (e.g. using a mic jack as a headphone jack) easily

  1. selecting Parser hints, enable the auto_mute and trigger_sense hints
  2. selecting the override box in the Green Headphone for headphone jack and the Green Line Out for speaker jack
  3. clicking install boot override.
  4. reboot



Useful Commands:

>cat aplay -l                                                       //list all the playback devices

>cat aplay -vv  /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav             //play a sound test

>cat lspci | grep -i audio                                          //list all the PCI device for audio

>cat /proc/asound/card0/codec\#0                                    //codec information for card0


Block Device Naming Randomly On Every


After installing the Arch Linux the Block Device Name such as /dev/sda changed to /dev/sdx randomly. That make you fall to rescue mode.



The command to generate the fstab

genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab Boot

will use the Block Device Name instead of the Device UUID. Because of that the kernel can’t mount the / correctly.



open the /etc/fstab and change all the /dev/sdXX to it corresponding UUID.










Useful Commands:

list all the block devices



find out the UUID of each device
